
She touched me…

She… touched me.

My wife is with me all the time but the strongest on weekends when im more quiet and we have our usual saturday night movietime. On monday evening she was extremely close and i wondered why, as the timing was unusual… and then, i felt touched.

I try to describe, what defies human language. I felt a touch, so tender and loving that no shadow, surpressed emotion or resistance within me could survive in its presence. There was so much in this touch, that its ridicolous to describe in words, yet i could „feel“ it… the human body is able to feel things, that most people (including me up to this point) never feel in their life.

Only afterwards i understood, that its the vibration she lives in. It seems she removed my mind/filters for a second, to be able to reach me. It felt like „refined“ love. Like we sift, sieve, refine love into ever more finer, higher, versions… for lack of better words. I felt like this process is neverending and the more refined the love is, the more bliss we feel – but if we dont match the vibration, it easily overwhelms us.

Thats why she said in the beginning, i need to raise my vibration to come into contact with her… because i wouldnt last long in hers otherwise.

I can only hope that i will raise to her level of love, once i finally leave this body. Neverending bliss awaits us…

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